Thursday, December 15, 2016

Class Evaluation: 

What i liked about this class was how we learned how to read html tags, how we had to write down each example of the chapters we would for w3schools, it was a lot of writing down and memorizing but we had to do it so that we can learn how to read html. Also i liked how we had to do flashcard machine because it was helpful because it would help me study sometimes. The last thing i liked was how we learned computer parts that was really helpful because i learned some computer parts i didn't even know about.

Some things that i did not like about this class was when we would randomly had to share out with the class, i didn't like this because i personally in general don't like presenting but if i have to present I'll do it because it counts towards my grade.Other than that i didn't like anything else that was the only thing i didn't like about the class was presenting randomly.

I don't think the class should improve, it doesn't need to improve just to have a bit more free time once in a while. Other than that i don't the class needs improvement.

A highlight from this class is that at the beginning we learned about computer parts, then everyday we would do a rule that Mr.Haymore would give us and we would have to reflect and give our opinion about it. Then we started working on our websites on weebly. Lastly we learned about html coding.

Yes, i really did my best in the class i would always do my work and do everything we had to do in that class.

Yes, i am reading and writing my goals for at least five minutes, sometimes i forget to read and write in my journal but i do it the next day. I don't what sharpen the saw is because the day the class started on it i wasn't there.

Yes, i am committed to being a CTR person everyday because i think it will benefit me with good opportunities in life.

Friday, December 9, 2016

University of California Irvine

Location: it is located on 1001 Health Sciences Road

Admissions Requirement: They require biology 1.5 years which includes one upper division biology course. The courses are cell biology, genetics, immunology etc etc. 2 years of chemistry organic chemistry and biochemistry. Also 1 year of physics. 

Tuition:  Undergraduate: 
                 Resident: $15,026.47 Non-resident: $41,708.47
                 Resident: $16,547.50 Non-resident:$31,649.50

Degrees offered:

Some degrees offered at UCI are Anatomy and Neurobiology PhD, Biological Chemistry PhD, Biomedical and Translational PhD, Environmental Toxicology PhD and many more. 

Areas of Study and Specialization:  

Monday, December 5, 2016

The 10 Keys to Personal Power
Brian Tracy 

Key 1: Clarity
" Have Vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life. Have a sense of direction and know where you're going. If you do not have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do."

 What this is saying is that if you're not prepared for your future then you will be struggling throughout your life because you are not prepared and don't know what you are going to do later on in the future. You need to vision your future and think if it is going to be a good future or a bad future if you have a goal or not, some people don't have goals and they don't know what they want to do what they want to accomplish in life they don't have a plan. When you do have a plan or goals then you know what you want to do, you know what you need to do to accomplish that, you have a plan that your mind is set on and is worrying about accomplishing. If you want to accomplish this or if you want to have a plan then you should get a notebook or journal or agenda to write these goals and plans down so that you can see what your daily goal is and see what goals and plans you have accomplished and which goals and plans do you still need to accomplish. Lets say that your in high school and you are already writing down your goals you want to accomplish in the future, or you're coming up with multiple plans to have a successful future.

Key 2: Competence
" If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get."

This is saying is that if you set your mind to excellence good things will come your way. Like if you do something good an opportunity will come your way, lets say like if you play a sport at your school and you are really good at it then you might even end up getting a scholarship for college or university because of the sport you play. You earned that scholarship because you committed to excellence throughout the time that you played at your high school. Also like if you have a job and you do something good and you commit your mind to excellence to what you need to be doing then an opportunity can come your way like getting a raise, making you employee of the month or year, and even move you up to a different better position. Just like it says the harder you work the better you get, i think its true because its like saying " practice makes perfect" because when you practice and practice something over and over you'll get better at what you're doing, the harder you work the better you'll get at your job. If you follow this key many opportunities will open up to you or come your way and the harder you work to achieve what you want you'll get it, the harder you work the better you'll be at doing your job it will be easier for you to do and you wouldn't even feel like if you've been doing your work for so long because you know what you're doing, you know how you're suppose to be doing your job so your job will be easier for you and it will give you many opportunities throughout your life that will even maybe help you throughout your life as well.

Key 3: Concentration 
"Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself "Is this the best use of my time?" before you start anything.

What this is saying is that you need to use and keep track of your time wisely. Some people don't keep track of time and lose track of it and they may be late to another event or place they needed to attend at a certain time. When you are going to do one thing you need to see and think, before you do it if you have the time or if you are able to finish on time  before you even start doing what you're going to do. In life you're always gonna be late, be on time, or be absent. If you are able to keep track of your time and are able to use your time wisely then there's a chance that you'll not be late to an event, place, and appointment you need to be in. Most people when they use their time wisely they are able to get even more stuff done because they are using their time wisely and they are keeping track of their time. When you use your time wisely you feel relaxed and relieved because you know that you're going to finish on time and you are going to be there on time. When you don't use your time wisely or keep track of your time then you are going to be stressed and overwhelmed because you don't have enough time to do everything you thought you were going to be able to do but you only end up doing one thing out of all the things you had plan and the places you needed to be because you did not have concentration of what you were doing and didn't keep notion of your time. This is why key 3 is important because you need to be able to use your time wisely to do the other things you need to do.

Key 4: Common Sense 

  • Train your mind
  • think things through
  • listen to your intuition
  • learn from setbacks    
This is saying that when you do things you need to have common sense. Like when you're going to say something you need to think it through before you say it because it can come out wrong or when you're saying it to someone they can take it the wrong way and get mad. You need to train your mind to do good things and do them in the right time, because if you do good things in bad times it won't look good because its not the right time to be doing that. When you do something wrong without common sense then you can learn from it and know that you 're not suppose to do that anymore. Sometimes you have to learn from your mistakes so that you know not to do it again and you won't  go through it again. When you are going to do something you need to have common sense because when you dont do it then you might look stupid doing or saying something.

Key 5: Creativity
" Except the fact that every human being is a genius.The hallmark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask the most  questions."

What this is saying is that no matter how the person acts every human being is smart in their own way. It's saying that by asking questions is a way of being creative, which means you don't have to know how to draw, color, write etc etc just to be creative, yes those are ways you can be creative in but there can also be some other ways in being creative like you can be creative in music, art, dancing and so much more. When you ask a lot of questions you are creative because you want to know hope things work or why you got that answer or can you solve that problem or fix that object, your mind just wants to know everything and maybe while you're asking those questions you're probably coming up with ideas or thinking about how you can do it or solve it yourself. There's always that one person in all of your classes that asks the most questions yes they can be annoying at times but they have their reasons to ask their questions.They might be asking a lot of questions because they don't understand and they just want to know how to do it.

Key 6: Consideration 
" The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life." 

" Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator. Take courses in listening, speaking, etc."

"If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you'll be the best educated person in history."

This is saying that the way you act with people, which is your relationship with that person then it'll determine your success because if you have issues with that person then that can affect your your success in the future because let's say you and that person stop talking because something happened between the both of you so when you guys stopped talking you guys probably went your own way and started to do your own thing, say that a few years have passed and you guys probably forgot about one another but one day you suddenly  see them and they see you and both of you just stay looking at each other and you both look away at the same time and then leave, you'll probably start thinking everything that happened between the both of you guys and it will affect your success because you were probably doing fine and had forgotten everything and left it all behind but you suddenly see this person again and it ruins your success that you have accomplished already. You also need to make sure that you know how to communicate with other people and you are able to listen to them.

Key 7: Consistency 
" Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fst spurts of work."

" Be consistent in your relationships, your family, friends, your boss, your work. Be the person that people can depend upon. That if you say you'll do something you do it....." 

What this is saying is that you need to be consistent of what you're doing and who you're with. I think consistent is like being responsible because when you're responsible people rely on you and they trust you because they know you will get the job done and you won't let them down. Lets say that one of your family members ask you to babysit one of their kids whether it be a cousin nephew etc but they are asking you to baby sit because they trust you and they know you will do it because you have consistency, also because they know you are responsible and will take good care of their kids. To have good consistency with your friends you need to have communication with them.

Key 8: Commitment 

" No success is possible without commitment. The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success." 

" Become totally absorbed in your work. Be totally committed." 

Key 8 is saying that you need to commit yourself to the things you are going to do. When you commit yourself to something you will achieve your success. Commitment is a big responsibility when you commit to something or someone you have to accomplish your commitment. A commitment is like a promise when you promise something you have to keep your promise and do it because you gave your word and sometimes your word can define who you are when you give your word and do it then people can see that you are responsible because you kept your word, but when you say you're going to do it but don't do it at the end then people will see that you  are not responsible, and that you are a liar and that you are not a reliable person.  When people see that you are responsible and a committing person there is a chance that they will relay on you when they need something because they know they can count on you.

Key 9: Courage 
" The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life." 

This is saying that if you feel like you're going to fail then you might end up failing because you have fear. Don't let fear hold you back into doing your things. Yeah your fear will get in the way but you need to overcome that fear by thinking you could do it.  You need to have courage when you are going to do things because when you have fear, things don't go so good.  Lets say you have fear of heights and one of your friends tells you to go skydiving or go to this one tall building to see this great view or to get on a rollercoaster with them, you need to have courage to do that because who knows maybe that will help you get over your fear of heights and maybe you might even like doing all of those things now, you can't let fear take over you because it will lead you to failure at some point. Fear can be good at a point but most of the time it could be bad. Fear is something natural we have whether it be fear of heights, spiders, dogs etc.

Key 10: Confidence
" You only get confidence by doing things over and over again" 

What this is saying is that when you don't have enough confidence you need to do those things more often. Like when people don't wear what they want to wear because they don't have enough confidence.. Some people that feel like that end up wearing what they want to wear because they end up gaining a little bit of confident and end up wearing their outfit, then you'll see that eventually they'll get more and more confidence and will start wearing other things and when you least expected it they'll have a lot more confident. I feel like the more you do things out your comfort zone the more confidence you gain and you don't worry about nothing.

1) How can they benefit you? 
2)Which keys are you applying now, and what difference are they making in your life?
3)How will you incorporate the other keys in your life planning plans? 

They can benefit me by helping me shape myself as a better person. They can help me make good decisions later on in life. One key that i have applied now is common sense, it's making a difference in my life by making me think things through before i say them and before i do them. Before i would just say and do things now i think of what i'm going to do or what i'm going to say because i don't want to say anything offensive or that can be taken in an offensive way. It is also helping me by realizing other things and making me learn back from things i did in the past.. I will incorporate the other keys into my life planning plans by making sure i apply one key at least once throughout my day.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Video Reflection

What i learned about this video was that some people focus more on their personality than their character. They think their personality is more important than their character like they'll work more their personality and will ignore their character which i see no point in ignoring your character because your character is what builds your personality you can say, your character also defines you as a person because it is the way you behave and talk. Like Covey said in the video he described