Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Top 10 Rules of Success 
1.Be positive
2.Take risks 
3.Be Adventurous
4.Be outgoing
5.Challenge yourself
6. Respect the ones around you
7.Be happy
8.Be as patient as can be 
9. Have confidence 
10.Have a sense of humor

These 10 rules are my 10 rules of success. For example you can apply rule 3 to your everyday life becasue you can go out and explore new place that can lead you to good opportunities that can open big doors for you in your life. Rule 1 can also be implied to your life because if you're a positive person theres more of a chance that people would want to talk to you and start a conversation with you because you are such a posititve person and you bring good energy to them etc etc. Being positive can also help you because when you are positive you are energetic and you are ready to do things.
Class Evaluation :  

The things i liked about this class is that we would do different activities like when we would work on the scratch program. When we would read our goals and update our flashcard machine. I  also liked working on codecaemy because it was interesting learning new things i didn't know.

Some things i did not like about this class is that we would have to share out our opinions sometimes, i didn't like this because i don't lilke sharing out in front of people. Another thing i didn't like was that we wouldn't get enough free time. 

Some recommendations for this class could be giving more free time to the students. Watch more videos for the warm ups. 

The highlight of this class for me was being able to create a game by using scratch. It was an interesting/ fun experience for me because i've never created a game. 

Yes i really did my best in this class because i would come to class everyday with my notebook ready to learn and to read and wrtie down my goals. I would try my best when we would do the warm ups because i would try to answer them to my fullest with my opinion. 

I am not reading my life planning goal juornal everyday becasue sometimes i don't have the time to read them but when i do have the time then i read my goals, and see what goals have i accomplished and which goals im still trying to achieve. 

Monday, June 5, 2017

             The Top 10 Rules for Success By Stephen Curry

1.Vizualize your goals 
2.Be the hardest working person
3.Stay confident
4.Do it your way 
5.Be creative
6.Stay in the moment
7.Better yourself everyday
8. Have an upbeat personality
9. Be the best version of yourself
10.Actions speak louder than words

- These 10 rules apply to me in my persuits by guiding in me on how to achieve my goals. For example for rule number 1 you need to vizualize your goals in order for you to achieve them because if you don't vizualize your goals then you will never accomplish your goals, well you might be able to accomplish them but itll take longer. For rule #4 you can better yourself everyday by fixing up what you are not good in, like if your bad at turning in your work on time then, by bettering in that area you can start turning in some work on time and from there on you might get better at turning in your work on time.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Top 10 Rules for Success by Cristiano Ronaldo
1.Just Play!
2.Be competitive
3.Always take on new challenges 
4.Know your priorities 
5.People will judge
6.Work hard
7.Believe you are the best 
8.Play for the team
9.Enjoy the moments
10.Have a sense of humor

-These 10 rules can help devolop who you are as a person because you can use them in your everyday life. For example you can be competitive at your job or when you're in school, like if you're an athlete you should always compete when you play and do your best. You can work hard in your everyday life as well like if you want a better job then you have to work hard in order to either get promoted or find a better job. Also having a sensor of humor is good at time because people will like you more and see that you are not a serious person. 

Monday, May 1, 2017

10 Seeds of Greatness 
- Denis Waitley-

1. The Seed of Self- Esteem( Apprciate the value of yourself)
" From self-love to self -worth"
- What this is saying is that the base of self-esteem is that you need to love yourself first to have a good self-esteem. After you have a good self esteem then you can slowly start seeing your self worth, you can see what your value is as a person and what kind of things you can do to make you be a better person so you can have a better value and a better image. 

2. The seed of creativity" Releasing your creative energy." 
- Seed number 2 is saying when you have a creative idea and want to share it with people then do it. When you release your creative energy you can spread and share positivity with other people either in your community, on the internet through social media, 

3. The Seed of  Responsibility
"  Whatever we sow, we reap." 
- This is saying that whatever we give we recieve. The act of being responsible says a lot about you as a person. Responsibility is a big word that you commit yourself to it. 

4.The seed of wisdom
" A large vocablary-- which implies broad, general knowledge-- characterizes the more successful persons, regardless of their occupations."
- What this is saying is that when you are able imply a large vocabulary to your speech it says a lot about you as a person. For example, when you give a presentation and during your presentation you use large words it'll make your presentation more interseting and your presentation will sound professional. Although when you imply these words in your vocabulary you need to know the definition of the words you're using because,

5. The seed of Purpose
" The gold mine in your goals."
- This is saying that when you do something you achieve your goal because the defintion of purpose is" the reason for which something is done for." 

6. The seed of communication 
" Reach out and touch someone"
- This means that when you need help or you're having trouble, then you need to find a way to communicate when someone to help you. If you don't communicate with people when you are having problems then you'll probably never find a solution to your problem. Communication is used in everything, at school, work, friendships, relationships etc. If you involve communication in those areas of your life then it will be alot easier for you to deal with because you are talking about it and trying to figure things out by communicating, unlike keeping in what you're feeling and what you're thinking which will get you no where, because you don't speak up for yourself so things can get fixed or get better.

7. Faith 
"The power of positive believing" 
- This is saying that when you have the power of believing in positive things then you'll be a positive person and positive things will come to you. The more positive you are the better things and positive things will come. When soemthing happens you need to have faith that things will get better as time goes on, you can't be negative and say things will never get better because everything happens for a reason and better things come after you just have to be positive and be patient. Like for example lets say that you are sick or something happens to you, you can't be negative and say you wont get better you need to have faith that you are going to get better within time and be positive and keep on fighting. 

8. Adaptability
" Turning Problems into opportunities"
- Adaptability means that you are able to adapt and accomadate yourself to new conditions. Like for example when you move to a new area you have to adapt to the new house, the people, the area etc etc. There are some people that can't adapt to a new area or situation and it will take them longer to like the new things just because they have trouble adapting to new things, ideas and places. When you have a problem try to turn it into an oppportunity and make it easier for you to deal with that problem. Most people when they have a problem they don't try to find a solution to it but instead make it worse and make the problem even bigger when it really isn't. 

" The will to win is everything." 
-What this means is that you need to have perseverance in order to win. You need to persevere the problem and think that you can win and can achieve your goal. Most people don't persevere the situation or problem that is going so they just leave things as they are. When people have perseverance they are more likely to achieve what they set in life like a life goal or something similar to that. They are able to achieve their goal because no matter what life throws at them they are able to persevere the problem and the situation and are able to overcome that obstacle no matter what, unlike some people that don't persevere their situation. Having perseverance isn't a bad thing to have instead of having to struggle with whatever comes your way then you just persever and get it solved.

10. The seed of Perspective
" Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude." 
- This is saying that when you live life to the fullest  it is a good perspective in life because you are living every minute with love, grace, gratitude and happiness. Perspective means the way someone looks at things. If you see life as a positive way then you're a positive person and good things will come to you as you grow into a bigger wiser person.If you're a happy person then you'll live a life and expierence every minute with love and happiness. 

The 10 Seeds of Greatness Final Reflection: 
- I think the 10 seeds of  greatness can be applied into someone's life in many different ways. Many people can adapt it to their lives differently in different situation, for example seed number 6 communication this can be implied into someones life, when you go to school and you don't understand soemthing then you can imply that seed right there and ask questions about what you don't understand and any other questions you might have. You can also imply this when you get a job you can ask your boss like what are you going to be doing.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Ten Tips for Being more Truthful
- Barbara A Lewis.-

The Ten Tips: 
1.Make a commitment to tell the truth. 
2.Tell someone about your commitment.
3.Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason.
4.Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.
5. Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it. 
6.Don't indulge in little white lies.
7.Watch out for silent lies.
8.When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse.
9.Talk to yourself.
10.Treat yourself when you tell the truth.

- These 10 tips can help you throughout your life because you never know when one of these ten tips may be needed or when you can apply them in a situation in your life. To satrt off these ten tips you need to make a commitment into telling the truth just like the first tip says.  When you do the first tip then you can go on and try applying the rest of the tips into your daily lifestyle.

Thursday, March 16, 2017


Video Reflection:

This video talked about being honesty, it showed two examples about being honest one both were students taking a test. The first example was at a high school where the students were taking a test and one girl didn't know anything on the test so she calls her friend to help her out but her friend knows what can happen if they catch them cheating so she decides to be honesty and tell shes not going to help her. The next example was at a medical school where studnets were also taking an exam and one of the students in the room taking the exam stood up and told the whole class that cheating is bad and it will get you no where in life because you don't keep it true to yourself.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Internet Society Reflection 

It is the largest global network of people and organizations working to ensure that the Internet continues to evolve as a platform for innovation, collaboration, and economic development.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

                                     Pyramid of Success

                                           John Wooden 

Block 1: Industriousness 

" In plain and simple English this means hard work. Very hard work. There is no substitute for very hard work when it comes to success." 

-What this is saying is that when you want to succeed in life you need to put in hard work because if you don't put in hard work then you won't succeed. You need to put at least some kind of hard work in order for you to succeed in life. When you put in hard work you can see the work you have put in and the success you have accomplished throughout all that hard work you have put into.

Block 2: Enthusiasm
" It is the engine that powers all blocks of the pyramid. It is why i chose Industriousness and Enthusiasm as the cornerstones of my pyramid of success. It is where everything begins." 

-This is saying that when you have enthusiasm it like gets you pumped up to do things it gives you the energy and the motivation to the things you don't want to do. When you don't have enthusiasm then you most likely won't do the things you need to do because you don't have no type of energy or motivation to do things. This is why you need to have a little bit of enthusiasm to at least motivate you and get the blood flowing in your body so you can have some energy and make you want to do things and be active. When you have enthusiasm it can motivate other people as well. You may think it won't but it can lets say you have a friend that down and depressed and doesn't want to do anything or she just won't smile so you try to boost her self esteem with you enthusiasm. 

Block 3: Friendship
" Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion. Like marriage it must not be taken for granted but requires a join effort." 
 -This is implying that in order to keep a friendship you must put a part of yourself to keep the friendship. Just like marriage when you don't put your part in a marriage things go bad and can lead to a divorce. When people don't put their part in a relationship or friendship things can start changing and those relationships and friendships can end. If you have good self esteem and motivate your significant other or you best friend that is good because you are positive about your relationship and friendship with that person. When you have a good relationship/friendship with someone it means that 

Block 4: Loyalty
" To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your self- respect." 

What this is saying is that no matter what you do or what you say you need to have loyalty. Having loyalty is important because when you have loyalty then a lot of people will have more trust in you. You need to have loyalty because you might need it when you are working ,in your relationship, your friendship, at school etc etc the point is that when you have loyalty there is less of a chance to get involved in problems. When you are loyal to someone they can see that your a good person with good deeds and that they can trust you with anything and know that they won't say anything to anyone.

Block 5: Cooperation
" With all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way." 
- This is saying that when you want to say something you have to listen before you say something because if you interrupt someone it is rude and most likely other people won't hear what you have to say. You have to cooperate when you want to get something done because if you don't cooperate you probably won't get what you need to get done done. For example when you're at school you have to cooperate with your classmates and teachers because you don't want to get in trouble. When you cooperate you get things done fast and the right way. When you don't cooperate things will be done slowly and will be done wrong because you didn't cooperate with your teammates while doing the project. 

Block 6: Ambition
" For noble goals"
- What this is saying is that you need to be ambitious when you want to achieve something. Being ambition means that you need to put hard work in what you want to achieve you can't just say a goal and not do anything to achieve, because you won't achieve your goal without any effort and hard work. Like lets say if your an athlete like a soccer player and you want to make it big one day, then that means that you need to practice every single day to improve your mistakes and you need to inform yourself about what to do and what not to do. You need put a part of your time so you are able to achieve that goal, because lets say you do want to make it big one day but you don't do anything to achieve it then your goal won't come to you just like that you need to find a way and put a part of yourself to make sure you achieve it to make sure you're on the right path to make it big. You need to be ambitious with anything you want to achieve in your life because when you don't have ambition then you don't have the spirit and energy to do it. 

Block 7: Self-Control
"Practice self- discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgement and common sense are essential."  

-This is saying that you need to have self-control because when you don't things can get out of hand and can not end up well... Some people are able to control their emotions and others can't. People that have anger issue's have a lot more trouble controlling their emotions because they already have a lot to deal with. Some people may not understand that it is hard for them to control their emotions in a situation where there is a lot of arguing and things being said to them. From personal experience i've seen people like that that don't have self control and when they can't control it it is hard for them to calm down. Also for you to have self control you need to have common sense and also know when to keep your emotions under control.    

Block 8: Alertness 
" Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve." 
What this is saying is that you need to be alert on everything. You need to be alert when your doing something because you never know what can happen. You always need to be observing your surroundings no matter what, for example let's say you're babysitting and your cooking and you leave the stove for a minute and one of the kids touches and then they get burned this is why you always have to be alert. 

Block 9: Initiative
" Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it." 

This is saying that you need to have initiative when you do something because when you have initiative you are independent and that is a food thing because people can see that you don't need to depend on someone else but yourself. Having initiative is a good quality because people can see what type of person you are. For example when you meet someone you need to have initiative and talk to them, you can't just be there ignoring them because then they'll think your rude or think that you don't like them. 

Block 10: Intentness
" Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on its achievement by resisting all temptations. Be determined and persistent." 

What this is saying is that you need to set a real goal and a goal that will take time for you to achieve it and that requires time and effort from you. You need to do everything to achieve your goal every temptation that is in your way of not achieving your goal you need to ignore that temptation and continue on trying to reach your goal no matter how long it takes. In order for you to achieve your goal you need to be determined because if your not determined then you will never reach your goal... well maybe you will achieve it but slowly and it will feel like forever.

Block 11: Sincerity
" keep friends" 

Block 12: Adaptability
" To any situation." 
- What this is saying is to adapt yourself to your surroundings. No matter where you are you need to adapt yourself and make the best out of it. For example lets say you move to a new area but you don't really like the area compared to where you used to live, you need to adapt yourself into living there because that's your new home and area where your going to be living there for quite some time. Also we can say for example that your taking a test and they move you to an area that is somewhat hard for you to concentrate but you can't adapt yourself so you decide to not take the test anymore.In situations like that you need to be able adapt because just because you can't adapt yourself to a new area your gonna fail your test or your assignment. In situations where you are being moved a lot you need to be able to adapt yourself in a new area. If you aren't able to adapt yourself in a new area its going to be hard for you to work.

Block 13: Condition

"Mental-Moral-Physical. Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced.Dissipation must be eliminated. 

- What this is saying is that in order for you to have Mental-Moral-Physical you need to rest and your diet needs to be considered. You need to practice your moderation for you to have mental moral and physical conditions. There are good conditions and bad conditions but both of them involve some kind of change, it can be a good change for a good condition or it can be a bad change for a bad condition or it can be viceversa.

Block 14: Skill
" A knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail." 
- This is saying that when you do something you need to do it properly and know what your doing because if you know what your doing then you get the job done faster. For example let's say that you have a project or you have a presentation for your job or at school so you want to get as much done as possible and try to have an answer for anything that has to do with your presentation so you are prepared to answer any question your audience may ask you. When you present you should try to cover as much as possible from your presentation and be very detailed about your presentation and provide examples etc. It doesn't just have to be for a presentation you can also use these skills when your doing a job interview. 

Block 15: Team Spirit
" A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all." 
- What this is saying is that you need to have others in mind when you do things or when you say something you need to have those in mind just in case you don't end up offending someone or them taking it the wrong way or something to happen. For example if you're in a team then you need to have team spirit  you always need to be cheering your team on through good and bad times. You also need to keep in mind that what ever you actions are they affect your team because you play, win and lose as a team.

Block 16: Honesty
" In thought and action." 
-This is saying that when you do something you need to have honesty in mind because if you don'y have honesty in mind then you will get a bad concequence and in the moment yo will think why weren't you honest in the first place. Not being honest can get you in so much trouble.

Block 17: Resourcefulness

"proper judgement."
-What this is saying is that when you do things you need to be resourceful. For example lets say that your doing a project and you write down what you know about your topic etc and its time for you to present in class or turn it in and the teacher asks you where did you get your information and you say " i already knew what i was going to write because i know what the topic is about." but then she asks you but its from a resource then you don't know what to say because the information you wrote down isn't reliable. 

Block 18: Poise
" Just being yourself. Being at ease in any situation"
Graceful and elegant bearing in a person.
- What this is saying is that just being yourself is a good thing because you don't have to worry about anything. If your yourself your at ease in any situation, when your posie things tend to get better because when you're poise your being yourself and you really don't care what people have to say about you because your calm at any situation. Most people aren't poise because they worry about what other people are going to say about them or their worried that people are going to judge them either in a bad or good way.

Block 19: Confidence
"Respect without fear. May come from being prepared and keeping all the things in proper perspective."
- This is saying that you at all times need to be respectful and not have fear if you have fear in being respectful then you won't ever be respectful because the fear will stop you from being respectful.  This is also saying that you need to be prepared for all things and you need to keep things in a proper perspective because if you don't then things can go bad. 

Block 20: Reliability 
" Creates Respect." 
-This is saying that reliability creates respect. When you're reliable then people can trust you with anything. This is good because when people rely on you and trust you then you start earning respect, being respected is a good thing because then people can see that other people have respect for you for a reason and then that person will start respecting you becasue it is the right thing to do. 

Block 21: Fight
" Determined effort"
-What this is saying is that when you fight you are determined to fight for what you want and because you want to win. If you're going to fight you need to have determined effort and you need to be focused on what your doing because if you don't then you are not determined to fight and your're just doing what ever you want to get what you want. For example you can't just fight for something you don't even know what you're fighting for, you need to know what you're fighting for so that you can be determined while you're fighting for what you want.When you show determination people will see how serious and how competitive you are. Having determination says all alot about a person. 

Block 22: Competitive Greatness
" Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challange." 
- This is saying that when your best is needed then you need to give the best you can to demonstrate to other people what you are capable of. If you are already doing your best then keep on doing your best because at the end its all woth it. When someone asks you to be on your best behavior then do it by listening to them because they are telling you to be on your best behavior for a reason.  Lets say that your in a sport and your at your game and your team is losing by 5 pts but you're already giving your best then you need to try harder and give it your all because you can't let your team down by giving up on those 5 pts. If you give yourself a little push then you'll go far but if you don't push yourself then you'll stay where you're at and struggle more along the way. 

Block 23: Integrity
" Purity of intention" 
- What this is saying you need to have integrity within you because integrity can identify you as a person at a point like for example lets say you want to get a job or you want to get an internship you need to show what you are capable of because you are not the only one that wants that internship or job. You can show them that you have integrity and maybe get the job because maybe the other people that are applying for the job don't have integrity so you have a higher chance in getting the job or internship that you want by showing them your skills and the integrity you have within you. By having integrity

Block 24: Faith
" Believe and Achieve"

Block 25: Patience
" Good things take time" 
- This is saying that if you're patient then good things will come your way ut if you're not then it may take longer for good things to come your way. Good things take alot of patience you can't rush the good things to come your way, and if you do then maybe something bad might come along the way that's why you need to have patience on everything because you just never know what can happen if you just wait. Lets say for example you're waiting in line to see a concert of your favorite artist but while your waiting in line you get tired and hungry and you want to leave because you want to go rest for a while and want to eat something, so you decide to leave and when you come back the time they start opening the doors 

Friday, January 20, 2017

New York University School of  Medicine  

Location: New York University School of Medicine, 550 1st Avenue, New York, NY 10016

Admissions Requirement: 
  • completion of undergraduate study  
  •  Attended an accredited college or university
  •  pass a criminal background check

$51,060 in-state tuition.

Degrees Offered: 

Monday, January 9, 2017

School Break Days: 

What i did during the break was stay home all break because i was sick for the first week- second week of school so i didn't feel like going out and my break was depressing quite a bit because of personal problems. After i started to feel better i went out with my family to the mall went out and eat and then went to starbucks with my cousins. I didn't really met any people this break all though i would've like to meet new people. Some movies i watched was me before you, the fault in our stars, the purge election year, the barber shop and a couple of disney movies with my sister and my little cousin. I didn't really watch or play any sports during the break i had a softball game Saturday the 7th but it got canceled because it was raining so we couldn't play... which i was kinda bummed out because i was really looking forward to that game because it was my first game for that league. Some CTR experiences i did was helping my mom cook for christmas and also doing the dishes when we were done cooking. I didn't read any books during the break because i really don't read a lot. I didn't do any homework because i didn't have any for the break which is good because i needed a break from homework. Something else i did was spend a lot of time with my cousins and with my aunt and uncle as well. I was kinda happy i got to spend sometime with my cousins aunt and uncle because i don't really get to spend that much time with them. Also my uncle took us out for a drive through downtown and walked around staples center for a bit and saw the christmas tree they had and the ice skating rink. I also watched a lot of friends because that's my favorite show on netflix that i never get tired of watching i can watch that show over and over and over again and never get tired.  Then for Christmas and New Years my family and i went over to my grandmas house to spend the day with the rest of my family and get to see family members that we usually don't get to see everyday, we had a pretty good time on those two days but i really wasn't feeling Christmas or The New Year spirit so i really just wanted to go home but i ended up staying because my cousin and her son came i don't get to see them that often so i stayed and spend sometime with them. After that i got to hang out with some friends from home and got to be with them because we don't really come out anymore and we don't see each other for a while.That's basically all i did during the break because for the most part i was in my room the whole time i didn't feel like going out anywhere even if i needed to get distracted.